Second Week of Advent: Return – La sequndo semana de Adviento: Volver

Second Week of Advent: Return – La sequndo semana de Adviento: Volver

Return – Volver

We would like to return our faith, to the beginnings of innocence, of fervor, of dedication. How many are attracted to the memory of preparing for their First Communion, for a Christmas, for a special feast? Those moments were filled with the conviction that God saw us, listened to us, and rejoiced in our celebrations and preparations. 

To return is the promise that God instilled in his people in the middle of exile, of abandonment, of dispersion. With great enthusiasm the prophet invites all of Jerusalem to rise up to see the return of her children from all corners of the earth. To return is to see that every year John the Baptist reminds us of the need to return to God with repentance, with the mercy of God that paves the way and makes it possible for everyone to keep the desire for a great encounter to praise God and contemplate his glory.

Let us also pray for all those who are far away who do not hear the voice of John the Baptist and do not live this time of preparation to Return to God.May we all return to God to celebrate because He has been reborn in our hearts, in our lives, in our family. 

Como nosgustaría Volver nuestra fe a los comienzos de inocencia, de fervor, dededicación. ¿Acuántosles atrae el recuerdo cuando se prepararen para suPrimera Comunión, a una Navidad, a una fiesta especial? Esos momentosteníanlaconvicciónque Dios nosveía, nos escuchabay sealegrabade nuestras celebracionesy preparaciones.

Volver fue la promesa que Diosinfundióa su pueblo en medio del exilio, del abandono, de ladispersión, y con gran entusiasmo el profetainvita a toda Jerusaléna que se levante para ver el regreso de sus hijosdetodos los rinconesde la tierra. 

Que todos podamos Volver a Dios para celebrar porque ha renacido en nuestrocorazón, en nuestra vida, nuestra familia. Pidamostambiénpor todos los que están alejados yno escuchanla voz de Juan el Bautistay no viven este tiempo de preparación para Volver a Dios.