Congratulations to Father Fernando on his 36th Anniversary of Ordination!

Congratulations to Father Fernando on his 36th Anniversary of Ordination!

Heavenly Father, how good and generous You are 

for pouring out so many blessings on your people

through the priesthood of Father Fernando.

We ask you to continue to bless Father Fernando

as he ministers to us each day in the Sacraments

and by his imitation of Christ’s friendship.

Make us more and more grateful for the precious gift

of Your faithful priest, whose open heart and

open hands bring us the gift of Jesus Your Son.

May his mind continue to be illuminated in his writings,

serving as an instrument of the Holy Spirit.

And when each day is done may he be wrapped in the

love and comfort of Christ’s peace. 


You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek.

Padre Celestial, cuán bueno y generoso eres

por derramar tantas bendiciones sobre tu pueblo

a través del sacerdocio del Padre Fernando.

Te pedimos que sigas bendiciendo al Padre Fernando

mientras nos ministra cada día en los Sacramentos

y por su imitación de la amistad de Cristo.

Haznos cada vez más agradecidos por el precioso regalo

de Tu fiel sacerdote, cuyo corazón abierto y

manos abiertas tráenos el don de Jesús Tu Hijo.

Permite que su mente siga iluminada en sus escritos,

sirviendo como instrumento del Espíritu Santo.

Y cuando termine cada día, que él sea envuelto en el

amor y consuelo de la paz de Cristo.
