The Call of God

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We contemplate Christ with the greatness of his message, with the sanctity of his life and with the divinity of his origin, but at the same time, Christ wants his disciples to recognize the path of his passion, his death and his resurrection as the fulfillment of the divine work to take us to eternity.

Every day Christians are confronted by an easy path, with assurances that lead us to compete from our selfishness, with our passions and our greed, to achieve the conquest of a life that we do not know and that it is contrary to what we live daily. Today it is so difficult to know a true wisdom, where the purity of heart, being understanding and docile, being merciful and producing good fruits, practicing justice to achieve true peace and being sincere is a requirement.

For all Christians there is always an invitation from Christ to make us see that our vocation as Christians must be witnesses of Christ, being his disciples, with his wisdom, with his values ​​and with his great love.

Today we can say that all of us should be like a catechist, who lives a special relationship with Christ and teaches children with a special art, with a gift illuminated by the Holy Spirit and with an effort to be for each child an example of life, a model of a Christian and an invitation so that everyone can feel the call of God to live as part of his people, as part of his mission and with a great vocation of service and dedication.

Today we refer in a special way to the people who generously dedicate their time and their talents to collaborate in the formation of the faith of our children and young people. That is why we ask God in a special way for each and every one of them so that the grace of God always accompanies them, transforms them constantly and inspires them with words and works that help to communicate the true divine wisdom. Thanks to all of them for their dedication to make Christ known in our world.

Also, I would like to remind all parents of the mission they have to educate their children in the faith with the characteristics of the catechists, with reliability and experience of the gift of faith in the midst of their families, with divine wisdom and with the human love of being parents, educators and responsible for the faith of their children. Parents are the ones who should welcome their children as a gift from God, love them with works of true education that will allow their children not only to receive the sacraments, but to have the experience of the true God and to develop their commitment as disciples of Christ and members of the Church.

Parents should also make the practice of faith, the teaching of prayers, of truths, of values ​​and the application to the daily life of all evangelical values. The need to praise God and celebrate the mysteries of our salvation every Sunday with our parish community, the great gift of participating, helping and serving others in the community to grow in the experience of true charity, so that with their action may strengthen the faith of their own children, of the young people of our community and of so many others who need their active faith to be effective in the Church, in the family and in our faith.

It is up to all of us to help and serve so that children can be present each week in the catechesis, in the celebration of the Sunday Mass and in the growth of their faith, especially in the family environment. Let’s all work for this intention.

~~~Father Fernando Torres, September 17, 2018
