Our Lady of Guadalupe
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Feast Day – December 12
Patron Saint of the Americas
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Virgen de Guadalupe:
Llegaste una mañana de invierno a la vida de Juan Diego
Para pedirle al buen indio que te construyera un templo,
Donde tu vida de madre, discípula y amiga sea honrada,
Y donde la vida y la dignidad de los pobres sean respetadas.
Virgencita del cielo:
Te revelaste en el vestido del más pobre de tus hijos,
Para decirle al mundo que Dios está con los humildes y sencillos.
Hoy te pedimos que repitas tu milagro de hace muchos siglos,
Cuando todos reconocieron tu presencia viva en aquellos tejidos hilos.
Niña del cielo:
Tu presencia unió a los pueblos que luchaban por la conquista,
Tu amor de madre integró a las culturas que desconocían la
salvación, Y todos se unieron a tu imagen morena para vivir el llamado del creador:
Que todos lo amemos en el hermano y que lo sirvamos de corazón.
Señora y Niña mía:
Trajiste del cielo tus hermosas rosas para demostrar la veracidad de tu presencia,
Las enviaste en la tilma de tu humilde mensajero que las llevó abrazando con cello y Llegaron hasta el obispo que reclamaba pruebas y te le revelaste en tu imagen nueva;
Como mujer morena, como reina y señora, con el color del amor que viene del cielo.
Dueña mía y Niña mía:
Llegaste no solo a un monte, a un pueblo o a un grupo que te conoció,
Sino que viniste a compartir tu gracia con todo un continente que te necesita,
Para que conozcan a tu Hijo, para que respeten su Palabra y vivan su amor,
Para ser su emperatriz, y ser la madre de todos los creyentes de la gran América.
Hoy pedimos a tu Santa imagen por todo nuestro continente de Latinoamérica,
Por los millones de migrantes que no tienen esperanza, patria ni pertenencia,
Por los que pierden su fe y su identidad a causa de los intereses materiales y superfluos,
Y por todos los que se acogen a tu maternal intercesión para que los escuche el cielo.
Reina nuestra:
Visítanos como a los Juan Diegos de hoy día para que imprimas tu amor en nuestras almas secas,
Invítanos a construir un templo en nuestra vida y con la ayuda de nuestras familias,
Para que todos los seres humanos vivamos como hermanos e hijos de un mismo Padre,
Para que a ninguno se le vea como extranjero o ciudadano de segunda clase.
Madre del Cielo;
Regálanos a tu Hijo Amado, a nosotros los peregrinos del mundo;
Para que nuestra vida sea como la de los mensajeros del cielo,
que nuestros jóvenes canten a tu amor e inspiren su vocación
que la Iglesia proclame la unidad de todos los seguidores de nuestro Señor
Y que todos seamos tus hijos amados a quienes bendices con tu protección.
Padre Fernando Torres
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Celebrations at Saint Bernadette’s on Wednesday December 12, 2018
5:00am Fiesta “Las Mañanitas” a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe
Patrona de México, las Américas y Filipinas
Recuerde traer flores a la Vigen
9:00am Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass in English
7:30pm Procesión con Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe y Misa en Español
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Virgin of Guadalupe:
You arrived one winter morning in the life of Juan Diego
To ask the good Indian to build you a temple
Where your life as mother, disciple and good friend would be honored
And where the life and dignity of the poor would be respected
Virgin of the sky:
You revealed yourself in the dress of the poorest of your children
To tell the world that God is with the humble and the simple.
Today we ask you to repeat your miracle of many centuries ago
When everyone recognized your live presence in those simple threads of fabric.
Child of the sky:
Your presence united the towns that fought for conquest,
Your love as mother integrated the cultures that had not yet recognized salvation,
And united us through your brown image so as to live the
creator’s call: That we should love Him in our brother and serve Him with all our heart.
My Child & Mother:
You brought from the heavens your beautiful roses to demonstrate the truthfulness of your presence,
You sent them in your humble messenger’s tilma that gathered your gift of roses with zeal and brought them to the Bishop who had demanded evidence which you revealed to him in your new image; As a brown woman, Queen and Lady, with the color of love that comes from heaven.
My Child and my Protector:
You arrived not alone to a mountain, to a town or a group that met you,
But rather you came to share your grace with an entire continent that needed you,
So that they would know your Son, so that they would respect His Word, and live His love;
You came to be His empress, and to be the mother of all believers throughout the Americas.
My Intercessor:
Today we petition your Holy image for all our continent of Latin America,
For the millions of migrants that are without hope, homeland or belonging,
For those who have lost their faith and their identity because of material and superfluous interests,
And for all who welcome your maternal intercession as you listen from the heavens.
Our Queen:
Visit us as Juan Diegos of today, so you may imprint your love in our dry souls;
Invite us to build a temple in our lives with the help of our families,
So that all human beings may live as brother and sister, children of one Father,
So that no one will be seen as foreigner or second class citizen.
Mother of the Sky:
Give us your Dear Son, to us the pilgrims of the world;
So that our lives become like those of the messengers from heaven,
That our youths sing your love and are inspired in their vocations,
That your Church proclaims the unity of all as followers of our Lord,
And that we all are your loved children whom you bless with your protection.
Father Fernando Torres
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Virgin of Guadalupe from the Vatican
John Paul II’s Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe
O Immaculate Virgin, Mother of the true God and Mother of the Church!, who from
this place reveal your clemency and your pity to all those who ask for your protection,
hear the prayer that we address to you with filial trust, and present it to your Son
Jesus, our sole Redeemer.
Mother of Mercy, Teacher of hidden and silent sacrifice, to you, who come to meet us
sinners, we dedicate on this day all our being and all our love. We also dedicate to you
our life, our work, our joys, our infirmities and our sorrows. Grant peace, justice and
prosperity to our peoples; for we entrust to your care all that we have and all that we
are, our Lady and Mother. We wish to be entirely yours and to walk with you along the
way of complete faithfulness to Jesus Christ in His Church; hold us always with your
loving hand.
Virgin of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, we pray to you for all the Bishops, that
they may lead the faithful along paths of intense Christian life, of love and humble
service of God and souls. Contemplate this immense harvest, and intercede with the
Lord that He may instill a hunger for holiness in the whole people of God, and grant
abundant vocations of priests and religious, strong in the faith and zealous dispensers
of God’s mysteries.
Grant to our homes the grace of loving and respecting life in its beginnings, with the
same love with which you conceived in your womb the life of the Son of God. Blessed
Virgin Mary, protect our families, so that they may always be united, and bless the
upbringing of our children.
Our hope, look upon us with compassion, teach us to go continually to Jesus and, if we
fall, help us to rise again, to return to Him, by means of the confession of our faults
and sins in the Sacrament of Penance, which gives peace to the soul.
We beg you to grant us a great love for all the holy Sacraments, which are, as it were,
the signs that your Son left us on earth.
Thus, Most Holy Mother, with the peace of God in our conscience, with our hearts free
from evil and hatred, we will be able to bring to all true joy and true peace, which come
to us from your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who with God the Father and the Holy
Spirit, lives and reigns for ever and ever.
His Holiness John Paul II
Mexico, January 1979. Visiting Her Basilica during his first foreign trip as Pope
Learn About Our Lady of Guadalupe
Los misterios de la tilma de Guadalupe
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