On This Night

[cmsmasters_row data_width=”boxed” data_padding_left=”3″ data_padding_right=”3″ data_top_style=”default” data_bot_style=”default” data_color=”default” data_bg_position=”top center” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.5″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”50″][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_heading type=”h4″ font_weight=”normal” font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]ON THIS NIGHT, JESUS IS BORN[/cmsmasters_heading][/cmsmasters_column][/cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_row data_width=”boxed” data_padding_left=”3″ data_padding_right=”3″ data_top_style=”default” data_bot_style=”default” data_color=”default” data_bg_position=”top center” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.5″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_padding_bottom=”50″][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_text animation_delay=”0″]

In this night the Darkness turned into light,

Faith knows – hope strengthened,

love becomes flesh in a baby

and the church becomes visible in the Virgin

and in Joseph, the promise made to David is fulfilled.


In this night we feel joy because of Him,

although he was born many years ago in Bethlehem.

Today we open our heart as a portal

So that He may come into our lives full of need,

so that He may be born in each one of us and in the world.


We know that today many people reject Him,

because they are full of worries and fears,

because they have not opened their hearts to the child Christ

to fulfill God’s plan in the world,

and still they prefer their darkness and selfishness.


We know of places that are at war,

where there is no peace, no truce, nor reconciliation,

where hatred, death and violence

drive many families from the homeland,

leaving them in poverty and misery.


We know of families who will not celebrate,

because they are divorced, they have moved away,

they have not been forgiven, they have been humiliated,

they mourn the death of someone or they have no faith;

to help them to be the manger where you are born.


Born in this night for our world,

filling with light and life for all creation,

born in our communities and cities

so that we might not forget that you are seeking us,

to reveal to us the divine love that saves.


Born in our parish in every Mass,

so that you can renew the faith of your disciples,

born in our families to enliven our love

and learn to share, serve and wait for your kingdom

where the fullness of your presence exists.


Born in every heart that contemplates your life,

desiring to grow in faith and in the conviction,

that you became small to reign over us as God,

that you become human to raise us to the fullness

of your divine and heavenly greatness. Amen.

[/cmsmasters_text][/cmsmasters_column][/cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_row data_padding_bottom=”50″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.5″ data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_position=”top center” data_color=”default” data_bot_style=”default” data_top_style=”default” data_padding_right=”3″ data_padding_left=”3″ data_width=”boxed”][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_heading type=”h4″ font_weight=”normal” font_style=”normal” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”20″ animation_delay=”0″]EN ESTA NOCHE, NACE JESÚS[/cmsmasters_heading][/cmsmasters_column][/cmsmasters_row][cmsmasters_row data_padding_bottom=”50″ data_padding_top=”0″ data_bg_parallax_ratio=”0.5″ data_bg_size=”cover” data_bg_attachment=”scroll” data_bg_repeat=”no-repeat” data_bg_position=”top center” data_color=”default” data_bot_style=”default” data_top_style=”default” data_padding_right=”3″ data_padding_left=”3″ data_width=”boxed”][cmsmasters_column data_width=”1/1″][cmsmasters_text animation_delay=”0″]

En esta noche la oscuridad tiene luz,

La fe sabe a esperanza fortalecida,

El amor se hace carne en un bebe

Y la Iglesia se hace visible en la Virgen

Y en José se cumple la promesa Davídica.


En esta noche sentimos alegría por Él,

Aunque nació hace muchos años en Belén.

Hoy abrimos nuestro corazón como portal

Para que venga a nuestra vida necesitada,

Para que nazca en cada uno y en el mundo.


Sabemos que hoy muchos lo rechazarán,

Porque están llenos de afanes y miedos,

Porque no han abierto el corazón al Niño

Para cumplir el plan de Dios en el mundo,

Y prefieren la oscuridad y el egoísmo.


Conocemos de lugares que están en guerra,

Donde no hay paz, ni tregua ni reconciliación,

Donde el odio, la muerte y la violencia

Arrancan de la patria a muchas familias,

Dejándolas en el abandono y la miseria.


Conocemos de familias que no celebrarán,

Porque se han divorciado, se han alejado,

No se han perdonado, se han humillado,

Lloran la muerte de alguien o no tienen fe;

Ayúdalos a ser el pesebre donde naces tú.


Nace en esta noche para nuestro mundo,

Llenando de luz y de vida a toda la creación,

Nace en nuestras comunidades y ciudades

Para que no nos olvidemos que tú nos buscas,

Para revelarnos el amor Divino que nos salva.


Nace en nuestra parroquia en cada Misa,

Para que renueves la fe de tus discípulos,

Nace en nuestras familias para avivar el amor

Y aprender a compartir, servir y esperar tu reino

Donde la plenitud es tu presencia en cada uno.


Nace en cada corazón que contempla tu vida,

Anhelando crecer en la fe y en la convicción,

Que te haces pequeño para reinar como Dios,

Te haces humanos para llevarnos a la plenitud

De tu grandeza divina y celestial. Amen.
