Directions Mabry
2532 Mabry Road GPS Coordinates 35.4412,-78.7291
Mabry Camp is easy to get to but it is way in off Mabry Road. Off of Mabry Road is a dirt path along the side of woods that will be on your left and an open field on your right. Across from the opening of this dirt path is a small house and a mailbox. Go straight down this path until the end where you will see a field and the path will wind to the right and then you will see a silver grain storage on the left where the path winds to the left and the workers’ white house is on the right with a winding farmer’s porch. It will take you about 24 minutes.
If you google the coordinates you will see a picture of the tree line woods and dirt path.
[embeddoc url=”https://www.stbnc.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/MabryDirections.pdf” download=”all”]