Advent Journey at Saint Bernadette 2021 – Journado de adviento
Remember to fill out your Advent 2021 card with the three daily acts of love.
(Cards are still available in the Gathering Area)
At the Nativity, we will all bring our cards to welcome the Lord.
If you need help, here are some ideas:
Si necesita ayuda, aquí hay algunas las ideas:
For you Lord:
- Say an Act of Hope
- Spend 20 more minutes in conversation with the Lord
- Come to one more Mass during the week
Por ti Señor:
- Reza el Acto de Esperanza
- Pasa 20 minutos más con el Señor
- Ven los Viernes a la Adoración Eucarística
For my family:
- Dedicate quiet time each evening to spend with your family
- Do the dishes
- Turn a negative to a positive
- Hug a family member
- Start a Bible study at home
- Pray for family who is away from the Church
Por mi familia:
- Dedica tiempo en calma cada noche para estar con su familia
- Lave los trastes
- Cambie lo negativo a positivo
- Abraza a un miembro de tu familia
- Ora por la conversion de un familiar
For my parish:
- Pray for our community
- Keep company with a parishioner who is alone
- Bring someone to Mass
- Volunteer to serve – call the Parish office
- Make our Mass special with your participation
Por mi parroquia:
- Ora por nuestra comunidad
- Acompaña a alguien que esté solo
- Ofrézcase como voluntario para servir
- Haz nuestra Misa especial al asistir a ella